White Sand & Blue Sea


1. White Sand & Blue Sea

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About Album

Artist: This Kind Of Things

Release Date: Agosto 14, 2022

People: Zézé; Ev.

Available Lyrics

White Sand & Blue Sea

Two hearts, too tired being oceans away
Boisterous desire straddled over the bay
So they met, eager souls
Suited black, eyes like dolls
Those long legs wrapped in net which she fished him with

Up high where they floated
Carried merely by love
Clouds and sky like a mirror
Reflecting colors from above
They were free above white sand and blue sea

The moon was rising, so was wine in their glass
Sweet sound of strumming, the rhythm of the waves crash
As the village awoke
They threw over their cloak
Disguised as buccaneers they steal each other's heart

Up high where they floated
Carried merely by love
Samba drums, pied people
Reflecting colors from above
They were free above white sand and blue sea

Up high where they floated
Carried merely by love
Wanted to capture the moment
But time was putting them in cuffs
They were free above white sand and blue sea

Up high where they floated
Carried merely by love
Samba drums, pied people
Reflecting colors from above
They were free...

Album Reviews

 Is a romantic and personal love story inspired by the memories of my wife and I's first meeting in Rio de Janeiro. The song tells the tale of our journey through the vibrant streets of Carnival, adorned in colorful costumes and basking in the beauty of the city's white sandy beaches and blue ocean. With lyrics that transport listeners to the top of Pedra da Gávea, soaring above the city on a hang gliding adventure, and to the calm waters of a big saltwater lagoon, "White Sand & Blue Sea" is a love letter to the memories we shared and the distance we overcame to be together. With influences from the indie rock genre, this single is a must-listen for fans of romantic and nostalgic storytelling. To my beautiful wife 

This Kind Of Things

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